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Order Now!  BookId: H3-1006005

Title: Memoires du Regne de Pierre le Grand , Empereur de Russie, Pere de la Patrie, &c,&c,&c... Peter the Great. vol III
Author: B Iwan Nestesuranoi
Publisher: Wetsteins
Price: 180.00
Description:This is the Third volume and second edition of The Memoirs of Peter the Great , Emperor of all the Russias , Father of the Country, etc ,etc ... In French . Memoires du Regne de Pierre le Grand , Empereur de Russie, Pere de la Patrie, etc,etc,etc...par B Iwan Nestesuranoi... Tome Troisieme. edited in 1740, Chez Weststein & Smith, Amsterdam . The third volume Start the Regne of Peter the Great in the year 1707 and until 1718 . In very good condition for its age , it is a very well documented book of 447pages , detailing the life of the Emperor, leather bound and a ribbon book mark interesting piece of history. Three volumes are available in the set which may have had 5 or 6 books They are volumes I,II, and IV ... A discount is available if you buy the three volumes. (750.00 instead of 875.00$). They are very rare and very collectible being written very few years after the death of Peter the Great in 1725.

Order Now!  BookId: H3-1006006

Title: Memoires du Regne de Pierre le Grand , Empereur de Russie, Pere de la Patrie, &c,&c,&c... Peter the Great. vol IV
Author: B Iwan Nestesuranoi
Publisher: Wetsteins
Price: 180.00
Description:This is the Fourth volume and second edition of The Memoirs of Peter the Great , Emperor of all the Russias , Father of the Country, etc ,etc ... In French . Memoires du Regne de Pierre le Grand , Empereur de Russie, Pere de la Patrie, etc,etc,etc...par B Iwan Nestesuranoi... Tome Quatrieme edited in 1740, Chez Weststein & Smith, Amsterdam . The Fourth volume Start the Regne of Peter the Great in the year 1718 and until his death in 1725. It also announces the fifth vvolume with a life of Catherine II , but I have never seen it. In very good condition for its age , it is a very well documented book of 503 pages , detailing the life of the Emperor, leather bound and a ribbon book mark interesting piece of history. Two interesting folding documents are enclosed : the first being the picture of the seals used by The Emperor Maximilian in a letter to theCzar Basilus... the second being a map of the Caspian Sea in 1740. Three volumes are available in the set which may have had 5 or 6 books They are volumes I,II, and IV ... A discount is available if you buy the three volumes. (750.00 instead of 850.00$). They are very rare and very collectible being written very few years after the death of Peter the Great in 1725

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